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Server Rules

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Server Rules Empty Server Rules

Post by John Ghotti Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:27 am

If you would like a Custom job You must pay 20$


General Rules:

1. Always respect everyone equally and fairly.
2. Do not Troll.
3. Report all bugs and exploits. Abusing these will result in a permanent ban.
4. Do not prop climb, surf, kill, block, bridge or spam.
5. Do not build or park cars in the spawn areas.
6. Do not spawn kill under any circumstance.
7. Do not mic spam. (Playing music, screaming, obnoxiously singing) unless you're a Hobo!
8. No racism\Bigotry\Homophobic remarks towards anybody for any reason.
9. Use triple slash /// space <message> to contact an admin. Do not use /ooc or /advert !
10. Try to solve petty disputes BEFORE calling an Staff member.
11. Do not Printer Bomb People.
12. Do not steal Hobo Donation Boxes.
13. Do not impersonate admins.
14. Don't pickpocket a Staff member will result as a kick/warn!

New Life Rule (Also known as NLR):

1. Fail Role Playing ( Also known as Fail RP )
2. Fail Role Playing is doing something Roleplay wise that goes against your job description.
3. Some jobs will outline that you may not base as them.

What exactly defines basing?

4. If own doors and or have faded door in a building, you are basing.
5. If you are hanging out inside area with locked doors and/or faded doors, you are basing.
6. If you have valuables in someone else's base, you are basing.

Random Death Match (RDM):

1. Random Death Match is where someone kills without any valid Roleplaying reason.
2. Always have a valid role-play reason for killing someone.
3. A valid reason would be that you are being robbed, raided, being mugged, etc.
4. Killing someone should be a last resort, try and find a creative RP solution first.
5. Do NOT go around randomly punching people!

Roleplay Specific Rules:

1. Do not abuse your job to kill people or create FailRP scenarios.
2. No Raid baiting i.e. Leaving a printer out in the open to clearly bait a others into raiding you.
3. Do NOT use /advert to Raid Bait i.e. WE HAVE PRINTERS COME RAID US etc.
4. Never avoid roleplay scenarios. (Ex: Running away, disconnecting, switching jobs, etc.) Will result in a Temp Ban!
5. Corrupt police are allowed, but remember that you are risking arrest/demotion when doing this.
6. Do not switch jobs just to buy/spawn yourself items (Self Supplying). This is a bannable offense!
7. Wars, revolutions and server wide RDM fests will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
8. Do NOT drive around like an idiot running into to people and props and vehicles on purpose.
9. Gang Bangers can kill Rival Gang Bangers if they are not in a public environment.
10. Gang members can only base with other gang members of the same gang.
11. Vendors/dealers can only base with other vendors/dealers.
12. CP cannot base or own doors.
13. The mayor can make a base in the locker room of the PD. No One Can Build in the PD. (Mayor CANNOT inforce the rules!)
14. Park on the sidewalk, DO NOT leave cars in the middle of the road. Admin may take cars left in the road.
15. Do not hide printers/drugs in props where they cannot be accessed
16. No Property Whoring. Do Not buy up multiple buildings unless part of a gang or a Community Builder.
17. No collide your cars! (No acceptions for CDM will result in a warn.)
18. Abusing your no collided car to access any bases will result in a temp ban!

Raiding/Mugging/Hit Rules:

1. It must state that you can in your job description.
2. You Can Only Mug/Raid/Hit Once every 5 minutes.
3. Do NOT Mug/Raid/Hit the same person/place more than once every 15 minutes.
4. You must /Advert whenever you raid,mug,or accepted a hit specifically for each
5. You must /Advert when the raid or hit is complete.
6. Always advert before you start breaking in or killing people.
7. CP can raid whenever they have a valid reason to raid (with a VAILD Warrant)
8. You can't Raid a base with a “building” sign. People shouldn't have anything worth losing in their base until their base is done
9. If you died during a raid, you can't go back there until the raid is complete.
10.If the defender of the base dies during the raid, he can go back after his NLR is over.

Combat Specific Rules:

1. You can kill People for these reasons
2. Valid RP reason: Mugging,Raiding,Hit,Arrest(If running away from being arrested.)
3. They cross a KOS line.
4. They are pointing a gun or threatening to kill you.
5. They are attacking you.

Building Specific Rules:

1. All Fading Doors Must Have A Visible Keypad on BOTH sides of the door.
2. All Keypads must be reachable and crackable
3. All Keypads must do something, No fake keypads.
4. All Keypads must have a 5 second Hold Time
5. All bases must be raidable
6. No using No-Collided Doors to run in and out of to shoot people.
7. No Stacking Faded doors
8. There must be enough room between fading doors that a group of 2 can move between them.
9. No Building on the street.
10. No Building on sidewalks and public areas (Hobos,DJs can)
11. Do not block off parts of the map with the exceptions of Cul-De-Sacs
12. Only Gangs and Partys can Block off Cul-De-Sacs
13. Do Not build in the tunnels
14. No Faded Stairs, Ramps, or Walkways
15. KOS signs cannot be more than a Foot from your base (1x1 Plate for Reference)
16. No Invisible Mazes
17. You may only build a Bridge if you own both buildings being connected
18. Do Not build or spawn Props while raiding or being raided.
19. Do NOT spawn props in other peoples bases.

Arrest/Warranting Specific Rules:

You may arrest someone if:

1. You see them break a law that is listed on the current law board
2. You saw them Kill Someone
3. They are Raiding or Mugging Someone
4. If they are visibly possessing a contraband item
5. They are in an AOS area
6. If the subject is fleeing from an interrogation
7. Always try to arrest before you kill. It takes one swing to put them in jail.

Do NOT arrest someone if:

1. They are in a certain job description
2. They are Trash Talking
3. They are standing near a crime scene
4. They are standing in the PD lobby
5. They just killed you. That is Breaking NLR
6. For breaking a Server Rule, Contact an Admin instead
Have fun!

John Ghotti

Posts : 6
Join date : 2014-10-31

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